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Showing posts with label global. Show all posts

Thursday, November 9

InFi and MMA

Some days ago, I had a chat with a martial art expert about individual fighting. After my first two sentences, he said, 'aha, then it is similar to MMA, isn't it?' Yeees, in some respect, it is, I said, but in many essential aspects, it is definitely not.

In columns, I list their attributes. What is more, I start with the well-known concept of freestyle to make the picture even clearer. None of them is a corporate style. I highlighted with green the similarities and with pink the differences from InFi. Each line represents the same aspects in all columns.

In summary, we could call MMA sport InFi or restricted individual fighting. But we must not name InFi as free MMA, in general, because the restraint in MMA is not only technical. The whole mindset is different. The essential discrepancies are in the third, fourth, and fifth lines (above), which are not about freedom or limitation. Of course, all MMA fighters have their InFi out of the contest, and their InFi must be pretty much similar to their competition style. Over and above, InFi is not only an activity. It is a concept, a phenomenon, or a property. Compared with the population, only a few people do MMA, but everybody has InFi.