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Showing posts with label situation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label situation. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 8

The Percomboo world

  The Percomboo world is an individual competency and style developmental education. 

  It has three pillar subjects; philosophy, psychology, and general martial art (physical education). Technical martial art is on the symbolic surface of the Percomboo World. The way we approach the subjects and help people is part of globalization and internet friendly.

  As we all know, in the last decades, due to the internet, the world has profoundly changed our approach to gaining information, building knowledge, and teaching or informing other people. Personal development, personal ways of progression strengthened naturally. Percomboo supports individual differences and uses the lenses of the valuable martial art world through which it analyses and interprets lots of things. We support individual differences and never say this, and that is the best way or the only way to do something. We believe that your way is the best way for you, and we can help you find it and improve it.

  In simple, we present universal principles. Then, we give specific situations to discover, explore, and solve. Finally, we offer different examples to choose from, and if necessary, we help you with some instructions or incentives to progress. The most important in the Percomboo World is that we do not teach the exact way, but we do coaching. Everyone’s style or way is unique. Personal style (InFi) is always individually created, natural and they are the most suitable for the creators (individuals who have them). 

  In summary, based on philosophy, psychology, and martial art, we present universal principles, create situations, and deliver necessary guidance.

Wednesday, November 1

Natural Style (karate-InFi)

Have you ever noticed that many karate men's styles are totally different in a real fight from karate? Have you ever noticed that in spontaneous free fighting, competitors' traditional styles cannot be guessed (if they are not already known)? Isn't it interesting that the corporate styles are evaporating pretty much in real fights? The reason is simple. Unpredictable situations are the territory of InFi. No outsider styles have power over the power of InFi there.

My friend John said that the body reacts naturally using movements, techniques that have been instilled over time. Yes, it is true. That is the result of learning. Repetition creates automatic reactions. But does it have any connection with the personal style I am talking about? Yes, but only partially. A part of the individual style is learned (copied or invented), and the other is inborn. I would say that the base of a natural style is inborn, then shaped, developed, and improved by experiences from birth onward. Sometimes it is very difficult to modify this natural individual style by conscious learning without real (unpredictable) situations.

(karate) InFi by Tanaka
Karate (standard) by Kanazawa

After conscious learning (exercises, workouts, repetition) there are still two different styles (at least). One is the individual style, and the other is the conscious acting, representing a style system. To put it another way, a karate man can be exercising and demonstrating standard karate consciously as a play-role and also can demonstrate InFi in the street or competition with limitations. These two styles might be radically different. One is the acting, and the other is the automatic natural style. If the InFi looks like beautiful standard karate, which is very rare, we can call it karate-InFi. However, if the standard karate practiced is far from the natural personal (inborn and developed) style, the revealing InFi does not show too much relation with the karate. 

If a man were acting naturally according to the settled standard way, he would be a programmed machine, not a human. Hence karate men always have their individual fighting style more or less different from the ideal karate. In simple, if you are a karate guy, you are the representative of that karate, and you have your InFi too. InFi and the corporate style in appearance overlapping but never the same. Similarly, if you are a kung fu guy, you are the representative of that kung fu, and you have your InFi too...

Moreover, if someone has been studied several different style systems and feels the influence of all, realising the existence of an individual fighting style is much easier. Albeit, it does not mean that others have no InFi. Everybody has InFi skills and style. You have InFi!

In conclusion, a particular system helps to improve the individual fighting skills and styles

to the extent it contains situational practices. No one's InFi is the same as any traditional style or system. The more corporate styles have been studied, the stronger the awareness of the existence of InFi. The karate in my examples above can be substituted with any other styles (Wing Chun, Savate, Taekwondo, Shaolin, kickboxing...etc.).

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